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cell stage中文是什么意思

用"cell stage"造句"cell stage"怎么读"cell stage" in a sentence


  • 细胞分裂期
  • "cell"中文翻译    n. 1.小室,单室;隔间,舱;〔诗〕茅舍;(单个的)蜂 ...
  • "stage"中文翻译    n. 1.讲台;舞台;戏院,剧场;〔the stage〕 ...
  • "stage cell" 中文翻译 :    变温盒
  • "four cell stage" 中文翻译 :    四细胞期
  • "one cell stage" 中文翻译 :    单细胞期
  • "stage in cycle of cell growth" 中文翻译 :    细胞生长周期的一个阶段
  • "tetra-cell ovum stage" 中文翻译 :    四卵细胞期
  • "two stage memory cell" 中文翻译 :    双稳态存储元件
  • "two-cell stage" 中文翻译 :    二细胞期
  • "a stage" 中文翻译 :    a阶树脂
  • "a-stage" 中文翻译 :    初期状态
  • "at this stage" 中文翻译 :    现阶段; 眼下, 暂时
  • "by stage" 中文翻译 :    分批分期
  • "in the stage" 中文翻译 :    在某一阶段(时期)
  • "on the stage" 中文翻译 :    当演员; 在舞台上
  • "stage" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.讲台;舞台;戏院,剧场;〔the stage〕戏剧,戏剧艺术;戏剧文学;〔the stage〕戏剧业;剧坛。 2.(活动)舞台;活动范围(场所);注意中心。 3.(显微镜的)镜台。 4.(发展的)阶段,时期,程度,步骤。 5.【电影】室内摄影场。 6.(建筑用的)脚手架;栈桥,浮码头,趸船。 7.站,驿站;一站路的行程;驿马车,公共马车[汽车]。 8.【地质学;地理学】(地层的)阶,段,程;(地文的)期。 9.浮码头,趸船 (=landing stage)。 a stage hog 〔美国〕爱到舞台正面去表现自己的演员。 stage attitude 表演(艺术)。 stage presentation 上演,上场。 in the early stages 在初期。 the larval stage 幼虫期。 The proposal has not yet passed the discussion stage. 这个提案还没有通过讨论阶段。 The disease now occupies the centre of the medical stage. 这种病现在是医学界的注意中心。 at the stage of being 暂时,在目前。 be on the stage 过演员生活。 bring on [to] the stage 上演(戏剧);扮演。 come on [upon] the stage 上舞台,进入社会(活动)。 go on the stage 做演员。 hold the stage 继续上演;引人注目。 put on the stage 上演,扮演。 quit the stage 退出舞台;辞职,退出…界。 take to the stage 做演员。 travel by long [easy, short] stages 匆匆[从容]旅行;赶着[拖拖拉拉地]做。 vt. 1.演出,搬上舞台,上演。 2.〔美国〕筹办,举行,发起(某事)。 vi. 1.坐公共马车旅行。 2.(剧本)适于上演,上舞台。 stage a comeback 〔美国〕卷土重来,恢复原有地位;再度走红,复辟;(花)重开。 This play stages only one woman character among the armymen. 这出戏只有一个女角色在男性军人之中。 Teachers of the Arts College are going to stage an exhibition. 艺术学院的教师们在筹划着要举办一个展览。 stage a meet 〔美国〕举行比赛。
  • "the stage of" 中文翻译 :    八人忍地
  • "stage by stage" 中文翻译 :    逐步地
  • "a cell" 中文翻译 :    a细胞, α细胞
  • "cell" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.小室,单室;隔间,舱;〔诗〕茅舍;(单个的)蜂窝,蜂房。 2.〔诗〕墓穴,墓。 3.(大修道院附属的)小修道院。 4.单人牢房。 5.【生物学】细胞;【电学】电池;元件;【建筑】(天花板的)方格板;隔板;【航空】机翼构架;【原子能】晶格,晶胞;【计算机】单元,元件;【植物;植物学】花粉囊;药室;(气球等的)气囊;【气象学】单体,环型。 6.基层组织,小组。 7.管,盒,槽。 a queen [royal] cell(养蜂)王台。 the phase cell【统计学】相格。 a secondary cell蓄电池。 a photosensitive cell【无线电】光电管。 a rectifier cell【无线电】整流片。 the narrow cell 墓。
  • "cell, the" 中文翻译 :    疑魂追凶,又名:入侵脑细胞或迷幻追凶
  • "is cell" 中文翻译 :    若是元胞则为真
  • "t cell" 中文翻译 :    t 淋巴细胞; t淋巴细胞; t细胞; 免疫细胞; 胸腺产生细胞
  • "the cell" 中文翻译 :    发布了; 入侵脑细胞导演剪切版; 死亡空间; 移魂追凶
  • "anisian stage =anisic stage" 中文翻译 :    anisian安尼西阶


  • Unfortunately , only one of the embryos progressed to the six - cell stage , at which point it stopped dividing
  • In mouse embryos , grp78 has been identified as early as the 2 - cell stage , and high levels were i - dentified at the blastocyst stage
  • By three days after injection , the number of embryos which had cleaved to the 2 - cell stage was 0 with round spermatids and mree ( 17 . 6 % ) with elongated spermatids
    结果在培养的3d中, rosi的卵子没有发生卵裂, elsi的卵子中有3个服至2细胞期o7 6o ) 。
  • The result shows that the life cycle of all the species comprises a unicellular amoeboid or swarm cell stage , a multinucleate plasmodium stage and a sporulation stage
  • The results shew that no cortactin was found in unfertilized eggs and the 1 - cell stage embryo ; cortactin appeared after the first cleavage and the blastomeres were highly stained
  • According to dr lanza , the evidence from other mammals is that the individual cells of a developing embryo have lost totipotency by the eight - cell stage
  • Experiment i study on the embryonic development by injecting different developmental stage embryos . this experiment collected 109 embryos to observe their developmental ability by es cells microinjection into 8 - 16 cell stage morula or blastocyst
    本试验先后将109枚胚胎用于此项研究,通过将小鼠es细胞注入8 - 16细胞桑椹胚和囊胚,观察两个不同时期注射胚胎的发育能力。
  • By coaxing es cells into a more stable , yet still flexible , progenitor - cell stage before administering them , we can avoid uncontrolled differentiation while still taking advantage of environmental cues to generate the desired cell types
  • In this study , we showed that the protein levels of the cyclin - dependent kinase inhibitor p21 rapidly increased in the one - cell staged fertilized eggs treated with pma . the cleavage from one - cell stage of the fertilized eggs into two - cell stage was inhibited
    但研究表明p21结合cdc2的能力不如其他cdks ,其介导的g2 m期的调控是由于p21蛋白抑制cdk2 cyclina复合物的活性,下调cdc25磷酸酶活性,阻止cdc2tyr - 15的去磷酸化,降低mpf活性。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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